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News  »  In the Know

   In the Know    30 November, 2020

The local Police email out to local residents regularly via "In The Know".

Their aim is to use this facility as their main contact with the community to keep them informed. For example, if there is a burglary on a particular road, they will send an alert email through In The Know to all residents that are registered in that area to make them aware and to ensure that they secure their properties. The Council and Environmental Services use this facility too, to keep residents aware of what’s going on.

This is proving to be very useful in keeping in touch with the community, especially those that don't have social media, such as the elderly.

If you know anyone who is not signed up and would like to be, please email PCSO Lauren Vallely at lauren.vallely@lancashire.pnn.police.uk to provide an email address, contact number and full address including postcode.

It is helpful if residents can also advise of any issues they have in their areas, what’s good about living in their areas and how confident they are in the police response on a scale of 1 to 5.


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